High Potential Development Program

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Attract, identify, develop, calibrate, accelerate, engage and retain your highest potential talent.

Learn from more than 1000 hours of Global 25 talent review meeting experience.

High potentials are an organization's most important asset. Yet some organizations do not have a high potential development program or even a list of high potential talent. Other organizations may have a high potential development program, but only with some degree of integration with other talent management tools, programs and processes. While a few organizations are passionate about developing talent, possess best in class integrated high potential development programs, attract and retain the best talent and not surprisingly, are high performing companies.

High potentials know the impact and value of a high potential development program to achieving their aspirations and ambitions. They know that they are high potentials without external validation. High potentials are very resourceful in identifying which companies are most committed to identifying, developing and accelerating their highest potential talent. They know these companies have high potential development programs leading to early visibility to senior executives, senior mentoring relationships, headquarters exposure, expatriate assignments, key leadership events and programs, executive education programs, and a structured development process that will create a steady pipeline of the best and most coveted development opportunities at an accelerated pace.

The global demand for top talent is intensifying. How will an organization attract the highest potential talent without the compelling prospect of a high potential development program? Without a high potential development program, how will an organization attract talent stars to drive organizational success, deliver on the business strategy and outperform the competition?

Beyond attracting the right talent, high potential development programs along with talent review meetings provide the core framework and structure to identify, develop, calibrate, accelerate, engage and retain the highest potential talent in an organization.

These programs create a powerful mechanism to:

  • define and drive the talent management strategy
  • establish a more level playing field for talent identification
  • provide greater transparency in talent development
  • ensure that high potentials get the right development at the right time (by ensuring strong alignment between endorsed development plans and new development opportunities)
  • build bench strength at all levels within the organization
  • calibrate high potential talent globally
  • accelerate the development of high potentials
  • develop stronger and better prepared succession candidates
  • build more robust and viable succession plans
  • generate succession management analyses (leading to an action plan to refine the development of succession candidates and thereby, strengthen specific succession plans)
  • generate talent intelligence about high potentials and the emerging talent pipeline
  • identify talent gaps which may require talent acceleration or a recruitment solution
  • deepen organizational knowledge about high potential talent
  • establish mentoring and coaching relationships between high potentials and their designated representative on the talent review committee
  • engage the highest potential talent with exciting and stretching development opportunities
  • retain the highest potential talent (high potential recognition is a powerful retention tool)
  • champion and support talent management tools, programs and processes
  • define and manage high potentials as corporate resources (where the talent review committee own high potential talent globally)

High potential development programs and talent review meetings provide the pivotal mechanism to integrate many talent management tools, programs and processes, including 360 degree feedback, assessment center feedback, coaching and mentoring, experience-based career pathing, development planning, succession planning, and strategic succession management.

Building on recognized best practice experience and more than 1000 hours of Global 25 talent review meeting experience, we will work in partnership to strengthen or build an integrated high potential development program and talent review process that will attract, identify, develop, calibrate, accelerate, engage and retain the talent your organization needs to drive success and deliver on the business strategy.

High Potential Prog.
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